Sunday, December 21, 2014

halloween, snowmen, first tooth and golf...

Isabelle had a pretty fun filled fall. We visited a pumpkin patch in Dayton that offered a couple photo opportunities. Unfortunately our favorite part about the farm was shut down. In years past you could feed the cows and goats. Oh well, still a fun spot. Isabelle played in the corn pit, pumpkin bounce house and we did the huge pumpkin slingshot. 

We bought some fantastic pumpkins and made some pretty cool jack-o-lanterns.

Isabelle decided to dress as a pink power ranger this year. We went to Halloween store to shop for costumes and she got pretty freaked out about all the creepy stuff. I actually had to carry her out of there. She is a pretty tuff little girl but not when it comes to creepy halloween decorations.

We trick or treated around the neighborhood with our friends the Ohme's and a whole bunch of the neighbors. There was lots of candy  to be had but Isabelle got freaked out by on really creepy house. I tried to get a picture of it but you can really capture it in a picture, between the scary figurines, the smoke machine and the loud horror movie music it was a bit too much for a few kids. 

We tried golf lessons for the first time this winter. Last summer Isabelle rode on the golf cart with me and came to the driving range or putting green but hadnt really golfed. She seems to really enjoy the lessons and I think we will spend a little more time on the course this summer. Isabelle also took tennis lessons this winter. I think she really likes tennis too.

The early November snow brought a snow day and an early snow man!

Isabelle's creativity never ceases to amaze me. She can make up games to play in just about any situation. We built a little fort with the early snow and eventually Isabelle fitted the fort with a kitchen, complete with cooking grates and leaves for fire, a refridgerator and a bed. Not a bad little fort. The warm weather wiped this fort out so we will build a bigger and better one when we get some more snow.

 The tooth fairy finally arrived! Isabelle had watched some of her friends and classmates lose many many teeth. I think she was wondering if hers were ever going to fall out.
We are all ready for Christmas. The cookies are all made (and mostly eaten).

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