Sunday, October 26, 2008

Eating Rice Cereal...Video...

Here is Isabelle's first time eating solid foods...

what a cutie...

Here are a couple recent pics of Isabelle. She is almost 5 months old and really enjoys chewing on things...well anything. We think she has some teeth moving in, she was pretty crabby this weekend. Hopefully they will break through soon and quit causing her so much discomfort. As you can see her hair is still out of control. It sticks straight up most of the time. Hopefully it will lay down once it grows a little more.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Isabelle found her feet...

Isabelle thinks her feet are the coolest toys she has.
She even thinks they taste good...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Boy does the time fly. Isabelle is getting so big and she seems to do something new everyday. This week she is really working on her "voice". Thankfully she has traded in screaming and crying for some very adorable coos and goos. She has rolled over several times but doesnt seem very interested in rolling over very often. Next week we hope to start giving her some solid foods, that should make for some very messy pictures....stay tuned...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

4 months old!

Isabelle had her 4 month baby appointment last week. She is 25.5 inches long and weighs 16.7 lbs. She is a pretty big baby; she is in the 91st percentile for hieght and 95th percentile for weight. She gets more and more playful everyday.