Sunday, September 28, 2008

The elusive baby smile

We have been trying really hard to get a picture of one of Isabelle's smiles. She is smiling all the time, but I cant seem to get a great photo of one. That being said, here are two of my favorite attempts so far...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Isabelle's new toy

Isabelle got a play gym today. She was really excited to start playing in it. Mostly I think she just loves having something new to drool on. As you can see she is a pretty intense little girl and spends most of her time staring at it trying to figure things out.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hanging out with friends...

Isabelle spent part of the weekend hanging out with her friend Olivia. She still has a cold and isnt sleeping very good at night...oh well, hopefully her little immune system will starting working pretty soon. She is "talking" so much lately. She is pretty much a constant gooo and gaaa machine. She hasnt laughed yet but occasionally she lets out an excited squeel that is incredibly cute.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Isabelle had her first trip to urgent care today. She seems to have a little virus that is upsetting her tummy a bit. The doctor didnt seem too concerned and she will probably feel better in a couple days. She is starting to enjoy bath time a little more as you can see below...more smiling and less screaming! She is really getting close to rolling over but hasnt pulled it off yet.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Go Vikings

Isabelle is now officially the cutest Vikings fan in our house. She got a new chair this weekend and seems to like sitting up and getting a better view of what is going on around her.
Go vikes...

Friday, September 5, 2008

We are caught up...

Here is a current picture of Isabelle. She is 3 months and one week old. Today she finished her second week of daycare and things seem to be going great. She seems to really enjoy being around the other kids and comes home every day pretty tired. She is sleeping through the night some days and we are very thankful for that. As you can see she is getting very big (around 17 pounds) and her hair seems to stick up a little further every day...

Labor Day BBQ

Isabelle had a great first Labor day. She spent some time hanging out with our
guests and took a nice long nap (during dinner)...

Playing in the jungle

Isabelle's new favorite activity is playing in her jungle. She is getting really good at grabbing things, and of course, trying to put them in her mouth. Sophie is adjusting well to having a little girl in the house, she mostly just wants to hang out and play with her.

Tummy time...

It is hard to believe how fast she is growing. She is already lifting her head and starting to play with that baby in the mirror.

What a cute chick

Isabelle is not real fond of taking baths. She uses the experience as an opportunity to stretch out her vocal cords and really scream. Fortunately she gets tuckered out from all the fussing and provides a really cute photo opportunity....

She is at her cutest when she sleeps

Since we are really skipping thru time I won't bother posting pictures of a fussy, screaming, unhappy baby. Isabelle had a pretty intense case of colic. For two months she wasn't the easiest baby to have around. Except when she was sleeping. When she did manage to sleep we usually took as many pictures as we could...


After 5 long days in the hospital we are finally able
to bring our baby home.

Isabelle's first bath

On our last day at the hospital the nursing staff helped Isabelle take her first bath. She screamed, loudly!

Finally hanging out with Mom and Dad

After spending two days in the level 2 nursery Isabelle finally got to come hang out with us in our room. Her favorite activity was sticking her arms up over her head and taking a nap.

Isabelle's first visit with Mommy

After 12 hours of recovery Gina and Isabelle got to meet for the first time outside the operating room.

Isabelle Jerilyn Herman

At 3:20 pm May 29th 2008 after a long labor and longer day (or two) at the hospital Isabelle Jerilyn Herman was born. She weighed 7 lbs 12 ozs and was 19.75 inches long.