Monday, August 19, 2013

Too busy to blog (1 of 4)

We have a really fun summer! In fact we have been so busy that I havent be able to blog very often. I am going to do a series of four posts to get us caught up.

We had a bunch of fun weekends to our cabin on Lake Osakis. It was a cold slow spring but June turned out to be pretty nice. Isabelle continues to really enjoy fishing. She stays in the boat longer than I thought she would and she always wants to go fishing off of the dock. I just cant get enough fish or fishing picture of her.

We brought our friends the Ohme's up for a weekend and had a great time.

Isabelle played soccer again this year. I got the job of being a head coach this year, instead of just an assistant coach last year. She had a lot of fun but was got a little bored with it at the end of the season. Gymnastics start up again soon and we will see if she wants to play soccer again next year.

Uncle Kyle rented a gigantic water slide for Blayne's birthday party. The kids had a blast going up and down the slide. I actually went down the slide a few times and as I type this almost 2 months later my elbow still hurts a little.

Isabelle likes going to the farmers market in Rogers...mostly because they have an ice cream vendor.

More fishing pictures...I really cant get enough. We had a great summer fishing sunfish, northerns and walleyes. Isabelle spent a few nights in the boat with Pappa and me fishing walleyes until dark. She really had a blast and didnt whine very much at all.

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