Monday, November 26, 2012

Turkey, Circus, Snow and Pjamas at school!

Isabelle had a fantastic Thanksgiving. We had a chance to celebrate with family and of course we ate piles of turkey. We also got together and celebrated my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. Isabelle had a great time and took this really cute picture with my cousins Genny and Alex.

Isabelle is a huge fan of the movie Madagascar 3...this movie revolves around the circus. So for a couple months Isabelle has been talking about the circus. Last weekend we took her to the Shrine Circus at the Target Center. She had a blast. She got autographs from clowns, rode an elephant, ate junk food, drank junk food, bought a toy wand and stared at the show for 3 hours. It was far more entertaining than I had anticipated.


We got a dusting of snow on Thanksgiving night, it wasnt much, but it was enough to convince Isabelle that we shoudl get the sled out and slide down the hill in our yard.

Isabelle's preschool did a pajama day a couple weeks back, I thought it was a pretty cute picture (shes in the lower left corner).

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