It has been a while since the last post. Things have been really busy around here. We have had so much going on and it scares me to think that the state fair is right around the corner...and with the fair comes fall. Scary. Isabelle is such a big girl now. I cant get over how well she communicates and how much she understands. We are still in the middle of the terrible twos, but she seems to get the whole discipline thing...sometimes. Tonight Gina told her that if she didnt stop putting something in her mouth that she would have to take it away...Isabelle then called her "that sneaky fox"...a reference to the Dora character that steals other peoples stuff. She can still have quite the little attitude but is mostly a sweetheart. We are still enjoying the new house but it has been a lot of work. Maybe next time I will post some pictures of our updated landscaping.

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