Monday, May 31, 2010

what a great holiday weekend

What a fun holiday weekend. We had a bbq with friends, brought our boat home, continued to landscape around the house, played in the pool, went for our first bike ride with Isabelle and had a bbq with Pappa and Nanna. Isabelle is loving all of her new birthday toys.

Having a pool on the deck is amazing. Cook dinner right inside as she splashes around. She really loves it. Her friend Olivia came over on Sunday and had a good time in the pool.

In between dips in the pool the decided to take a ride on Isabelle's "bicycle"

Isabelle also had a good time chasing bubbles with her new golf club.

She cant actually ride her bicycle yet but loves to push herself around on it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Isabelle had a great second birthday party! Thanks to everyone who attended, she really had a blast. We learned on Monday morning that she did it all with a sinus infection...what a trooper. She got a ton of new clothes and toys and she has been playing with all of them. Play-doh was a new toy for us, but as you will see below, it is going over pretty good. The warm weather has been nice but Isabelle doesnt seem to like the sprinklers or getting wet as much as she did last year, if this weather holds out we will keep working on it.

Blowing out the candles on her Dora cake...thankfully there is only one piece left

Isabelle loves cooking in her kitchen so tonight we made play-doh pizza, I actually think she was going to try and take a bite of it!
More play-doh...

water the flowers is now a nightly activity.

She now has her very own watering can...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

going shopping...

Things around the new house are good! We are busy but have gotten out in front of a lot of our tasks. Isabelle will be two in a couple weeks. We took her two year pictures today and I am incredibly excited to get some of them posted here. I took a really long video of Isabelle...posted below....we were playing in the backyard and she just grabbed her bag and said that she had to go shopping! She put on her shades and headed up to the car...hillarious!

The swing is getting some use now that the weather has changed for the better...
Nothing like a littel early morning BBQ!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The New House and Potty Time

So I thought I would post some house pictures. Believe it or not I dont have any new pictures of Isabelle. It is pretty odd to not have a pile of new photos to select from. Hopefully things will calm down pretty soon and we will get back to "normal". We have been spending a ton of time on the house and mostly the yard. We are really happy with how things are coming along. Isabelle went potty in the toilet (her little toilet) twice tonight, it will be nice to have the potty training thing done...hopefully she continues to make progress.

One of my favorite features of the house is of course the yard...we turned the ugly dead circle that was left over from the pool and turned it into a playground. Isabelle loves it.

The front of the house was a bit of a disaster. There were lots of plants (way too many) and lots of really old and really shabby looking wood chips. On Sunday Gina and I capitalized on a long nap and dug out some of the over grown plants/bushes and replaced the nasty old wood chips with new ones...I think it looks a million times better.

Here is a shot from the street....we love it!

Back to the backyard...if you look closely you will see a red fox standing by the back fence. We first noticed her on Saturday. I was worried that she was threatening Sophie by hanging around and staring at us. Then she came out with her 5 little baby cubs. Momma sat between us and the little ones and they played in the yard for a long time. It was really cool to watch. I love this yard!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Big cheesey smiles...

Nothing new and very exciting here. We are continuing to settle into the new house and Isabelle is enjoying her new playroom and her swingset. The neighbor girls are really taking an interest in Isabelle. The made us a bunch of welcome cards and delivered them today and they tooks some of their own toys and wrapped them up and delivered them as a welcome gift for Isabelle.
Believe it or not Isabelle will be turning two this month. It is hard to believe that she will be two. Time is really flying. Time to start planning a birthday party. As you can see below, Isabelle has really got big cheesey smiles down to an art.