Sunday, November 23, 2008

getting big

Isabelle is almost sixth months old! She is really starting to get her own personality. She is sitting up really good and seems to get frustrated that she cant move around as much as she would like. She has done a little "scooting" but only backwards. Pretty soon she will figure out how to get up and get going. She started laughing at the dog the other day, it was the cutest laugh ever. We dont hear that much, hopefully we will hear it more in the future. She hasnt popped out any teeth yet, but she has been feeling some pain a couple days a week.


Jessie said...

finally!! i've been checking daily for some new pictures. you are pokey matthew! kidding. so cute. video that cute laugh. gobble gobble.

Sarah said...

Yeah, just wait. Once she gets on the move you'll long for the days she stayed put! Such a lil' doll.