Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Build a Bear, MOA and Merida!

We took a trip to Mall of America last weekend and Isabelle got to build herself a teddy bear. She chose the rainbow bear which was to pretty predictable. Isabelle loves rainbows, I am not really sure why but they are one of her favorite things. Once the bear was stuffed she dressed it up in a princess dress comlplete with a tiara and a bouquet of roses...she named the bear Valentine.

After she built the bear we went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch. Isabelle thougth the giant tropical fruit was pretty neat. She also spent some time checking out the big fish in all the different aquariums and she got her picture taken with the big frog!

We visited the Disney store which had a whole bunch of toys, dolls, dresses etc that Isabelle wanted to bring home. We have been watching the movie Brave quite a bit lately and Isabelle eneded up getting a bow and arrow set just like Merida (the princess). She is learning how to shoot it and seems to really like it. I may have a future hunting partner... 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas, fishing and other fun stuff

On New Years Eve Isabelle, Al and I rented a fishouse on Lake Waconia. This was Isabelle's first ice fishing trip. She really fell in love with fishing this summer and was really excited to get ice fishing. We spent over 5 hours in the house and Isabelle loved it. She got a little bored at the end but i thought keeping a  four year old in a 7x8 box for 5 hours was pretty incredible.

We caught all kinds of fish! Isabelle helped catch sunnies, perch, crappies and large mouth bass. When we were done she brought the biggest sunny to the bait shop for the fishing contest. It was 5.2 ounces and she won to candy canes and two coloring books. She was excited!

 We had a fantastic Christmas Isabelle got to spend time with our family and recieved some pretty awsome gifts.

 Isabelle's preschool did a Christmas program. The kids had worked really hard and practiced for weeks. It was pretty adorable.

We finally got decent amount of snow. Isabelle and mom got busy making snow angels. What a fun winter so far...