It has been a while since my last post. We have had a pretty busy spring and are excited for an action packed summer.
Isabelle turned 4 yesterday and we have had a couple of birthday celebrations for her. She had a big party at home a couple of weeks ago. The gigantic princess jump house was reallyexciting but a chilly rainy day made it a little less fun than it should have been.
Mommy made some fancy schmancy cupcakes for the birthday party.
So many kids and presents...
Birthday celebration #2 was at the cabin on Tuesday morning, her actual birthday. Mom was able to find a Merida dress for her. Isabelle was very excited. Merida is the new Disney Princess, the movie isnt out yet but Isabelle cant wait to see it.
More amazing cup cakes from Mommy.
Cousins Kaylee and Blayne helped Isabelle open her presents...
Soccer! Isabelle is having fun playing soccer so far this year. So far we have only had one game and she got kicked in the face during that game. The black eye is gone and she doesnt seem discouraged at all.
Memorial weekend was our first family trip to our cabin on Lake Osakis. Isabelle started things off with a big sunfish off the dock. We put a live box in the water and were able to keep some fish for hte kids to look at and play with. She also caught several little bass and a pile of smaller perch and sunnies off the dock.
Cousin Blayne caught his own big old sunfish...
Making delicious cupcakes with Mommy.
Our little princesses on a boat ride...
Back to the dock for more fishing...